Planetary Days & Astrological Timing

Since the ancient Greeks, planets have been coupled to the days and hours of Earth. You could use these timings to boost your spells & rituals.

How does it work?

The first hour of the day starts with the planet that rules it. Let’s say, it is a Wednesday. The astrological day of Wednesday starts at 6AM with Mercury. We cycle through the planets as the hours pass until the next day starts with Jupiter. The cycle of astrological timing starts with Saturn, then Jupiter, Mars, the sun, Venus, Mercury & ends with the moon in a sequence from the slowest to the fastest planet, as seen from Earth. This is also known as the Chaldean order.

You can see when a planet you need rules what hour in the day on websites like This way, you can also combo your energies for certain effects. If you want to enchant your lipstick so that when you wear it people are more inclined to listen to you, it is recommended to do your ritual on a Friday during the hour of Mercury. Your enchantment will have the magnetizing energy of Venus & the communicating aspect of Mercury. In my personal practice, I see the day ruler as having the ‘bigger energy’. It is easier to plan this way if I want a certain aspect to have more influence on the spell. However, I don’t know if this is common practice, though.

Neptune, Uranus & Pluto are not included in this because they weren’t discovered until the 20th century. That’s why there is a difference between ancient and modern astrology. The way we look at it is different as well: people talk more about your fate with ancient astrology. The planets in your cosmic map will tell you what kind of situations you’ll run into during the course of your life. Modern astrology, however, speaks more on who you are as a person, how you respond to different situations & which choices you can make regarding your placements.

As Heather Roan Robbins puts it in her book ‘Star Codes’:

For example, managerial skills, possibly from Saturn aspects, can help you make trains run on time, but if not used well, those same skills can inspire you to become a manipulative bully. Organized conscientiousness, possibly a Saturn-Uranus interaction, can make you a brilliant scientist, editor or manifester when you use it with clear purpose, or you can drift into rigidity or obsessiveness when you are under stress. Someone with difficult Mars aspects who’s seen as a belligerent jerk can evolve into a wonderful hero who protects and defends, if they choose to use their Martian machismo for good. Astrology can point out the strengths of your chart and help you express them productively.

The Planets

The Moon

Archetype: Mother, Conservator
Essential Nature: To nurture
Day: Monday
Element: Water
Metal: Silver
Colors: Silver, white

The energy of the moon is often used for dreams, intuition, divination, transformation, illusions & spells. It is our light in the night and with that the luminary of the unconscious.


Archetype: Warrior
Essential Nature: To Energize
Day: Tuesday
Element: Fire
Metal: Iron, Brass
Colors: Red, orange

The energy of Mars is often used for motivation, passion, creativity, war, courage, assertiveness, anger & revenge. Although Mars is a war god, he has some roots in agriculture. It’s said it’s because he reflects humanity’s bellicose nature.


Archetype: Messenger, Deceiver
Essential Nature: To communicate
Day: Wednesday
Element: Air
Metal: Mercury, Aluminium
Colors: Light blue, orange

The energy of Mercury is often used for studying, communication, commerce, strategy & intelligence. As Mercury is also depicted with the caduceus from time to time, its energy can also help with healing.


Archetype: Priest, Sage, Wise Man
Essential Nature: To expand & to affirm
Day: Thursday
Element: Air/Water
Metal: Tin
Colors: Purple, blue

The energy of Jupiter is often used for wisdom, politics, justice, growth, abundance & responsibility. Jupiter stands for ethics and how someone shows such traits.


Archetype: Lover, Harmonizer
Essential Nature: To magnetize
Day: Friday
Element: Earth
Metal: Copper
Colors: Pink, white, green

The energy of Venus is often used for love, passion, sensuality & magnetization. I also associate this planet with any form of art.


Archetype: Elder
Essential Nature: To endure
Day: Saturday
Element: Earth
Metal: Lead
Colors: Black, purple, brown

The energy of Saturn is often used for ending things, banishment, discipline and planting seeds for long-term plans. Even though Saturn is seen as malefic, it has associations with the golden age filled with abundance.

The Sun

Archetype: Leader, Illuminator
Essential Nature: To build
Day: Sunday
Element: Fire
Metal: Gold
Colors: Gold, orange, red, yellow

The energy of the sun is often used for confidence, individuality, leadership, healing, willpower & success in different areas. It is a source of energy & warmth and brings that which does not want to be seen into the light.

Books of interest (planetary magic & astrology):

Practical Planetary Magick by David Rankine & Sorita d'Este
Planetary Magic by Rebecca Beattie
Starcodes by Heather Roan Robbins
Ancient Astrology by Demetra George
The zodiac witch series by Ivo Dominguez
Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Agrippa